Club Policy on Code of Ethics for Children in Sport

The Club is committed to following the guidelines set out by the Government in its “Code of Ethics & Good Practice for Children’s Sport”. The purpose of the code is to set out a standard by which children taking part in sport should be treated and treat others.

A summary of the code is posted in the main Clubhouse and in the Junior Room and is also available from the Office and in the members area of the website. The Club’s Childrens’ Officers can be contacted by any Junior member by leaving a message in the Office or on .

Your child is important to the Club and the Club wants to provide them with a supportive, safe and friendly environment in which to play tennis, squash, padel or any other sport within Sutton LTC.

Please read Child Protection Policy document above.

Sutton LTC Childrens Officers are:

Sinead McKenna

John Clancy


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